Eadweard Muybridge Panorama








A key to the panoramic view of San Francisco in 1878 by Eadweard Muybridge.

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This is a key to the panoramic view of San Francisco. It was taken in 1878 from the top of the Mark Hopkins mansion which was located high up on Nob Hill at the corner of Mason and California Streets. This famous photograph is seventeen feet long and was taken sometime in the early summer of 1878. It was shot in thirteen separate panels with a huge mammoth-plate wooden view camera.

The BIG 4 Restaurant in the Huntington Hotel, on Nob Hill at 1075 California Street, has an original size copy of the panorama. It’s displayed in the CPRR Banquet Room, off from the main dining room. In my seven-part web site copy of the view, I have added two hundred and seventy five names to buildings and streets.  

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